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Welcome to 

our Barnardians 

Community, Connection, Experience & Have-a-go
These are the words our young people use to describe what it means to have come here. 

The Development Office main aim is to keep the network of alumni, current & former parents, current & former staff and the wider family of friends connected to this friendly place affectionatly known as Barney.

The Development Office hosts a fantastic variety of events regionally and internationally, and delights in seeing OBs young and old, mingling and sharing stories of their time here, networking and supporting each other.

Old Barnardians in our global network are currently living in more than 40 countries worldwide. We strive to keep offering service to each other and to help build a professional and social network, and offer invaluable careers support, guidance and mentoring opportunities.


All Old Barnardians become members of the Old Barnardian Club when they leave the school. The school works very closely with the Club, which meets three times a year and by working together provides exciting opportunities for Old Barnardians to keep in touch through a fantastic programme revitalised in 2022. 

The Club is run by a committee which consists of Old Barnardians, the Head Master is the President and the School's Development Director, acts as the Secretary to the Club.  The Club Commitee support vital work such as Careers, Events and Fundraising activities and are on hand to host and welcome Old Barnardians back to the school. 






We have an exciting programme of regional and international events 

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OB News & Updates, tell us your announcements

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Careers & Mentoring


Offer to be a mentor, give advice or careers talk, read a cv, offer an internship.

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Discover our fantastic work in progress digital archives or add to them your own memories

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