Old Barnardian Weekend 2024
Monday, 15 April 2024
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We are so excited to finally be able to share more news about what OB Weekend is going to look like. We have tried to ensure that there is something for everyone from sports on the Saturday to an oppurtunity to sing with the choir in our chapel service.

On Friday evening there will be a chance to watch the 1st XI team in action against OBs, with everyone being encouraged to go into town for some drinks in the evening.

On the Saturday there will be the oppurtunity to have tours of the school with members of our sixth form, the classic OB sports games followed by lunch, choir rehearsals and the chapel service. This year as it is Headmaster Tony Jackson's last OB weekend with us, we are going to celebrate his past 8 years at the school with a drinks reception on the Saturday evening, outside on the chapel lawn (weather permitting). So we would encourage all of his ex pupils as well as anyone else that would like to celebrate what he has done to stay with us for that.

New for 2024!! Barnard Castle Classic and Retro Car meet.
Classic and Retro cars will be parked outside the front of school, it is free to attend as a visitor, with donations encouraged. There is a charge if you would like to show a car, or would like to attend the Teesdale Runout (cars to be booked in via the Witham).

To sign up for the event and to register your interest in any of the activities please visit this link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Id4tlbBxhkKu-Y9pke8xmEnEXMG9zttNhxfP3ind5WVUNk4wSDcwMkpBNzJPMVhQTEFXUU4zVE9ZRi4u

Or simply register on the website.