Old Barnardian Dubai Weekend
Tuesday, 9 January 2024
The Old Barnardian Dubai Weekend. It began with a celebration held at Folly, overlooking the rooftops of the Souk Madinat. Followed the next day by watching all the action at the Dubai Rugby7s. OBs Alex Tait (Tees,06) & Lee Dickson (North, 03) played in the 100 World Legends team and came away with a trophy ! The 7s festival event was run by OB Mathew Tait (Tees, 04) at the Emirates Stadium and was a festival to behold. We bumped into OB Jamie Adamson (Durham,18) getting ready to play along with seeing many other OBs in attendance. We are so thankful to all who came along, some first timers who had never been to one of these events before. After Head, Anthony Jackson updated everyone on the school. One OB said 'This gathering reminded me again of the valuable ethos which Barney develops and instils in its pupils and has helped me in much I have done’ Thanks again and we hope you had a wonderful weekend !