Nick Talbot (Da '94)
Tuesday, 13 February 2024
As we are starting to prepare our 2024 Connect magazine, we wanted to take this opportunity to look back on some of the insightful interviews that came out of our 2023 copy.
Our interview with OB Nick Talbot (Da ’94) who will be at our March 9th Gala Dinner to celebrate Bentley Beetham’s climb of Everest talked about his experiences since leaving school, and his own experiences climbing Everest, he spoke of what he is most proud of ‘Doing things society thinks someone with Cystic Fibrosis shouldn’t be doing like surviving the two worst disasters on Everest’
The full interview can be read here should you wish to take part in an interview yourself please get in touch at A special report from Nick will be featured in our 2024 Connect so keep your eyes peeled!